Tuesday, October 26, 2010

There's A Story Behind Those Numbers!

Statistics are an interesting thing.

I was looking at my blogger.com statistics page just now, and spefically at the "Audience" tab, which breaks down page views by country. Naturally, the vast majority of my as yet limited audience resides in the U.S., with 191 page views originating here. But guess which country came in a distant second place?

Poland, with 15 page views.

Well, I was just tickled pink to learn that I had an international audience. So tickled, in fact, that I decided to use Google Translate to compose the following targeted message to my readers in Poland:

Witam wszystkich naszych czytelników w Polska! Dziękuję za przeczytanie bloga i zachęcamy, aby dodać komentarz, powiedz nam, jak nam idzie. I daj nam znać, jak wygląda życie w tych dniach Polska! Życzymy samych sukcesów i dobrego zdrowia.Nawiasem mówiąc, moja żona jest pochodzenia polskiego.

Thursday, October 21, 2010

Easy Money: Writing 140 character Ad Copy For SponsoredTweets As If I've Had Three Martinis, But I'm Actually Sober...

I was over on copyblogger.com reading “Five Ways To Write Magnificent Copy” and found this hilariously accurate tip:

“Write Drunk, Edit Sober”.

Of course the author, D Bnonn Tennant, wasn’t suggesting that the ability to write engaging prose requires a .08% BAC. Rather, that we as blogging authors need to write with a little less inhibition. We need to put a bit of personality, a dollop of passion, a smidge of silliness, a little…flavor, if you will, into our writing.

As the author put it, “Don’t self-consciously write. Just tell.” And I agree.

Don’t get me wrong, I’m not in the habit of running out for a six-pack before I sit down to write the blog. Although, I will say that I enjoy the occasional Dos Equis, vodka martini or a nice glass of sweet, fruity gewurztraminer.

But I certainly don’t need to drink to loosen up before I write. I’ve learned to automatically go to my Silly Place when I write, especially when I blog, so my creativity is not dependent on alcoholic attitude adjustment.

140 Character Ad Man
This same principle of “Write Drunk, Edit Sober” can also be applied to writing ad copy.
Case in point: I’m registered with SponsoredTweets, and the other day I received an opportunity to be paid for writing a 140 character ad for the makers of a line of worsted-wool apparel, located in Maine.

“Worsted wool garments are warm and cool equally--wearable nearly year-round,” the instructions read. Certainly a benefit to potential buyers, but I didn’t immediately see any compelling call-to-action in between the lines there. So, I flipped the Silly Switch to on and decided to go looking for the humorous angle.

I hopped over to the client’s website, where I was presented with a landing page displaying the client’s logo, some text, and a widget with rotating photographs. One of the photographs caught my eye: an idyllic, pastoral setting with a flock of sheep. One woolly fellow in the middle of the photo was looking directly at the camera as if to say, “Hey, buddy…I know the deal. I wear wool all year long.”


What did that sheep know that I didn’t?

And then it hit me: my 140 character inspiration. I switched back to my tab with Sponsored Tweets, and fingers flying over the keyboard, wrote my ad.


Now, end-to-end, from the time I first looked at the opportunity to the time time I clicked the “Submit” button, couldn’t have been more than five minutes. I only charge 99 cents per tweet, but translated to an average hourly wage, that’s $12.00 per hour. All from the comfort of my home.

Easy Money.

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Badges? BADGES?! My Blog Don’t Need No Stinkin’ Badges!

If you’ve got a blogger.com-hosted blog as I do, and you’d like a snazzy Yahoo! Pipes-fed badge displaying the lastest Social Media web headlines from a mashup of Bing, Google, and Yahoo! searches (like my “Social Media Buzz” badge at the top of the right column!), copy the script below, add an HTML widget to your blog, and paste the script into the window.
<script src="http://l.yimg.com/a/i/us/pps/listbadge_1.4.js">
Brought to you by the good folks here at The Digital Stylus Blog!

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